Eligible homes and businesses can now enroll into the Working Internet ASAP (WIA) Program for the option to receive low Earth orbit satellite internet service, equipment, and installation support. Fill out the Enrollment Form now.
Working Internet ASAP: Enrollment is now OPEN
Working Internet ASAP (WIA)
Program Description​
The Working Internet ASAP Program provides a low Earth orbit satellite internet access option for qualified remote and rural locations in Maine. These homes and businesses are extremely difficult to reach and currently have no service or technology option.
Since 2022, MCA has facilitated over $200 million of federal and state funding to help connect over 86,000 locations in Maine to affordable high-speed internet. As of October 2024 less than 1.5% of locations, or approximately 9,000 homes and businesses in Maine, have no service or technology of any kind (including cable, DSL, or fixed wireless) and no current project planned to connect those locations.
MCA will coordinate the bulk purchase and deployment of LEO satellite hardware and service reservations to ensure that eligible locations have the option to receive LEO equipment and installation support, and access internet service.​​​​​​
Who is Eligible?​
Locations in Maine that currently have no other technology or service options (including cable, DSL, or fixed wireless)​
Starting in December 2024, MCA will accept enrollments into the program on a rolling basis
"While we build the infrastructure for our future, we can't afford for people to
be living in the digital dark."
- Andrew Butcher, MCA President
How to Apply
Eligible homes and businesses can follow the steps to enroll online through the WIA Enrollment Portal, or by calling 207-430-3112 to enroll over the phone. You will need an email address at the time of enrollment.
After completing the enrollment form, MCA will validate your address and you will then receive an email from MCA with a secure link to upload proof of residency (e.g. utility bill, property deed, tax bill, document issued by a government entity).
Following successful enrollment into the WIA Program, you will be moved into Starlink’s Portal and will receive direct communication from Starlink to coordinate delivery of the hardware and set up internet service.
​For those who have purchased a Starlink after August 1st, 2024, we are able to offer a credit for the value of the hardware to the user's Starlink account that can be used towards monthly service payments.
Criteria & Priorities​
As Maine’s public agency committed to expanding broadband access and digital equity, MCA is utilizing all available technologies and partnerships to ensure reliable high-speed internet for all Maine people. The WIA Program represents another critical step in fulfilling this commitment.
Starting in December 2024, ​MCA will provide subsidized LEO satellite equipment and installation support for people in Maine who live and work at eligible locations.
Under the WIA Program, MCA plans to:
Enable qualifying households to have an opportunity to access internet service before 2025.
Fund and secure reservations for LEO satellite network services to up to 9,000 eligible locations.
Fund the costs of and coordinate the bulk purchase and deployment of equipment to be installed at each eligible location to receive LEO satellite internet service.
Undertake a robust outreach effort to ensure that people who live or work at eligible locations are aware of the opportunity to subscribe.
Provide a portal for subscribers at eligible locations to enroll in the WIA Program and be referred to the LEO satellite internet service provider to establish a paid subscription account.
Provide a list of pre-qualified installation partners to optionally assist subscribers with LEO equipment installation and fund the contractor visit.
​The WIA Program is part of complementary funding programs MCA has developed, implemented, and executed in the past two years. In 2025, MCA will manage the investment of an additional $350 million in broadband infrastructure to serve the remaining 5% of locations in Maine that currently have slow and unreliable internet service.
Who is eligible to apply?
The WIA Program represents the first MCA program where eligible applicants are individuals themselves. MCA will conduct outreach to eligible locations via direct mail and through Regional & Wabanaki Broadband Partners. Support for technology installation and use will be offered to all eligible applicants. Use the toolkit below to access these resources.​