Public Policy
Maine Connectivity Authority works actively with local, state, and federal policy-makers to ensure that we can accomplish our mission of ensuring everyone in Maine has a reliable affordable internet connection by effectively deploying funding broadband infrastructure and ensuring digital equity for all Mainers.
Our testimony and policy decisions are made in conjunction with partners such as community organizations, Maine Broadband Coalition, Internet Service Providers, and others.

Mapping Broadband Service Level by Legislative District​
Testimony & Policy Updates: Spring 2025​
LD 1 - An Act to Increase Storm Preparedness for Maine's
Communities, Homes and Infrastructure
Committee - Joint Housing Committee Sponsor - Senator Daughtry
What does the bill propose - This bill seeks to establish a "Home Resiliency Program" to provide grants to homeowners for the purpose of performing home resiliency projects.
What is MCA's position - In favor of
Why is that our position - Improved connectivity creates a more complete picture of the state’s resilience needs and capacities, and helps deliver on solutions to address both challenges and opportunities.
Bill status - Referred to the Committee on Housing and Economic Development
LD 210 - An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations
from the General Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures
of State Government and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027
Committee - Appropriations and Financial Affairs Sponsor - Representative Gattine
Bill status - Out to Pass as Amended

Resolves 2024, Chapter 155 Public Engagement Process
Maine Connectivity Authority is charged with drafting future legislation to improve tenants' access to broadband services in multi-dwelling units. The Maine State Legislature outlined a stakeholder process to include individuals representing real estate, development, and community interests; internet service, cable and wireless technology providers; and landlords.
Public Engagement Sessions
October 22 at 10am | Recording + Slides​
October 29 at 1pm | Recording + Slides
​Following the draft published on November 22, 2024, MCA accepted public comment on the recommendations outlined in this draft through December 23, 2024. The final report was submitted to the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee of the Maine State Legislature by January 30, 2025. Following the committee's review, MCA will post the final report.
Public Comment Sessions
December 11 at 2pm | Recording
December 17 at 11am | Recording
Testimony & Policy Updates: Spring 2024​
LD 240 - An Act to Expand Broadband Internet Access Choice
Committee - Energy, Utilities and Technology (EUT) Sponsor - Representative Zeigler
What does the bill propose - This bill seeks to provide tenants with the right to request service directly from an internet service provider.
What is MCA's position - Neither for nor against
Why is that our position - We appreciate the intent of this legislation and are unclear on costs and considerations from a property rights perspective. Explicitly aligning legislative requirements with the State Five Year Broadband Master Plan and Digital Equity strategy will allow MCA to support such policies.
Bill status - Ought To Pass As Amended - The bill was amended to a resolve charging the Maine Connectivity Authority with studying this issue with input from stakeholders and drafting potential legislation for review in January 2025
LD 373 - An Act to Improve Labor Conditions for Maine Workers
Committee - Labor and Housing Sponsor - Senator Tipping
What does the bill propose - The bill proposes to require Harmony Agreements for all grants or contracts offered by the Maine Connectivity Authority and extends to contractors and subcontractors engaged in broadband expansion.
What is MCA's position - Ought Not to Pass
Why is that our position - While the ideas outlined in LD 373 align with principles championed by MCA, the bill risks impacting the very tight federally-imposed timelines Maine has to deploy hundreds of millions of dollars of investment.
Bill status - Vetoed
Testimony & Policy Updates: Fall 2023​
LD 1967 - An Act to Support Municipal Franchise Agreements
Committee - Energy, Utilities and Technology (EUT) Sponsor - Representative Sachs
What does the bill propose - This bill seeks to amend numerous aspects of the laws governing municipal cable franchise agreements. It provides a pathway for mediation between network operators and municipalities through the Public Utilities Commission and clarifies the line extension criteria.
What is MCA's position - Support the bill as amended
Why is that our position - MCA is supportive of this legislation, specifically as it aims to clarify the line extension language in the current statute. Network operators and municipalities read the 15 homes per mile language differently and it impacts the number of homes receiving broadband services. Providing clarity to this language will ensure that all parties agree on which locations should receive service through a franchise agreement.
Bill status - Enacted
Testimony & Policy Updates: Spring 2023​
LD 1065 - An Act to Improve the Telecommunications Relay
Services Council by Reducing Its Membership and Allowing
for the Hiring of an Executive Director
Committee - Energy, Utilities and Technology (EUT) Sponsor - Representative Pierce
What does the bill propose - As amended, the bill removes two long-vacant positions from the Maine Telecommunications Relay Services Council and adds a permanent seat on the Council for the Maine Connectivity Authority. The bill also authorizes the Council to hire a part-time Executive Director with current funds.
What is MCA's position - Support the bill as amended
Why is that our position - This modification provides more stability to the TRS Council with paid staff and a more reliable Council quorum. As relay services transition from analog to digital by the end of 2023, MCA is uniquely positioned to advocate for the interests of the deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing and speech impaired community who rely on broadband for communication services.
Bill status - Enacted
LD 1223 - An Act to Clarify Cost Allocations and Insurance
in the Joint Use of Public Utility Equipment
Committee - Energy, Utilities and Technology (EUT) Sponsor - Senator Grohoski
What does the bill propose - As amended, the bill seeks to remove the pole attachment provision requiring municipalities to waive their immunity under the Maine Tort Claims Act and limit the amount of general liability insurance required by pole owners.
What is MCA's position - Support the bill as amended
Why is that our position - Municipally owned projects face different barriers than private and public-private projects. The general liability insurance requirement is a cost barrier to small municipal networks as they must obtain the insurance 12-24 months before bringing the network online and generating revenue.
Bill status - Enacted
LD 1456 - An Act to Facilitate the Expansion of Broadband
Committee - Energy, Utilities and Technology Sponsor -Senator Grohoski
What does the bill propose - As amended, this bill charges the Public Utilities Commission in consultation with the Maine Connectivity Authority and input and analysis from the Interagency Broadband Working Group to undertake a study of pole attachment laws and rules and how the impact varies depending on project type.
What is MCA's position - Support the bill as amended
Why is that our position - The amended language provides a mechanism to gather empirical data on the issues of utility pole access that we hear about daily. The “make-ready process” is intended to ensure coordinated equipment installation onto the precious limited space on a utility pole yet is fraught with complications that can delay or even jeopardize a broadband project’s viability. The study components will provide necessary insight into these issues as we prepare for a phase of broadband infrastructure deployment 20 times current levels.
Bill status - Enacted
LD 1504 - An Act to Exempt Broadband Equipment from the
Sales and Use Tax
Committee - Taxation Sponsor - Representative Terry
What does the bill propose - The bill proposes a sales tax exemption for equipment used in the deployment of broadband and video services.
What is MCA's position - MCA opposed the bill as originally presented, but is working with the Committee and bill sponsor to modify the language to more directly benefit Maine broadband expansion.
Why is that our position - As proposed, the bill did not have any required reinvestment of savings into Maine’s broadband landscape. Modifications are in discussion that would transition this from a sales tax exemption to a sales tax credit if the company can demonstrate private investment in unserved or underserved areas in the previous calendar year.
Bill Status - Taxation voted Ought Not To Pass
LD 1791 - An Act to Make the ConnectMaine Authority
Responsible for Attachments to and Joint Use of Utility Poles and
to Establish Procedures for Broadband Service Infrastructure Crossing Railroad Tracks
Committee - Energy, Utilities and Technology (EUT) Sponsor - Senator Bennett
What does the bill propose - As drafted, the bill would make three significant changes: 1) designate the ConnectMaine Authority as the entity responsible for pole attachment regulation; 2) include make-ready costs and processes within the subjects regulated under the applicable statute, 35-A M.R.S. § 711; and 3) define a process, timelines, and fees for railroad crossings by broadband service providers.
What is MCA's position - Support
Why is that our position - Reducing barriers to broadband deployment is one of MCA’s top strategic priorities. This bill highlights several areas of the pole attachment process that need refinement to handle the influx of Federal funding that bog down current processes. While we do not support moving regulatory oversight from the Public Utilities Commission to MCA, we are supportive of the continued dialogue and process improvement that this bill facilitates.
Bill Status - EUT voted unanimously Ought Not To Pass