May 17, 2023
Media Advisory: Maine Connectivity Authority Celebrates Broadband Expansion in Franklin County
The Maine Connectivity Authority is joining community leaders in Franklin County to celebrate the completion of a nine-town broadband expansion project and a new grant award to Wilton to further expand broadband.

FARMINGTON, Maine – The Maine Connectivity Authority is joining community leaders in Franklin County to celebrate the completion of a nine-town broadband expansion project and a new grant award to Wilton to further expand broadband.
“It has taken a tremendous amount of work over six years for this project to be completed, bringing fiber directly into homes in nine communities,” said Andrew Butcher, president of the Maine Connectivity Authority. “In partnership with Greater Franklin Economic and Community Development, we are excited to bring together community, project partners and key local leadership to enjoy refreshments from the Orange Cat Café and to celebrate this collective effort and shine a light on what’s next as Franklin County moves forward with greater access to broadband.”
When Wilton’s Connect the Ready project ($3,755,732 in grant funding) is completed in 2024, three-quarters of Franklin County will have access to high-quality, reliable broadband.
These projects were made possible by funding from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Maine Connectivity Authority.
Who: Community leaders from the Rangely region, Chesterville, Farmington, Industry, New Sharon, Temple and Wilton; Greater Franklin Economic and Community Development; Franklin County Adult Education, Spruce Mountain Adult Education and the Maine Connectivity Authority
What: Food from Orange Cat Café
Where: University of Maine at Farmington, North Dining Hall (224 Main St, Farmington, ME 04938)
When: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, May 18
Why: To celebrate the completion of a five-town broadband expansion project and the awarding of a new grant to Wilton.
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