Broadband Infrastructure
We cannot afford for anyone in Maine to be stranded in the digital dark. Facilitating internet connections for all Maine people remains MCA’s top priority. Since 2021, MCA has enabled almost 80,000 high-speed internet connections across the state, reducing the number of Maine homes and businesses with no modern internet connection to 35,000 (just over 5% of all locations). We can get there from here!

Last Updated: August 8, 2024

Complementary Goals & Priorities
Deploying broadband infrastructure is not a one-step solution. While having access to an internet connection is a goal in itself, for many its impact will fall short without being able to afford that service and having the skills to utilize that technology. Access does not need to be achieved before we can start thinking about affordability and adoption. These three goals are equal in priority.
And so, MCA works through complementary driving factors: urgency, universality, and digital equity to deploy projects, reach places, and impact people. We strive to enable connections quickly, to urge for universal coverage, and to empower individuals and communities to center digital equity in their achievement of internet access.
All-In Programs
Launched in 2022, MCA will deploy of $150 million from the American Rescue Plan’s Capital Projects Fund and the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan through our All-In Programs. This funding is designed to reach the last mile in the most rural places, connect communities ready to scale their infrastructure, prepare communities for investment, ensure affordable options for everyone, and invest in partnerships to build a modern broadband infrastructure for Maine.
MCA estimates that the All-In Program will bring high-speed broadband to over 30,000 homes and businesses in rural and remote areas.

Program Goals:
Funding for all unconnected locations confirmed by the end of 2024
High speed internet must be affordable for all
Community-driven solutions at a regional scale ensure sustainable investments
Scale and public benefit through public private partnerships
Consistent and clear processes through data-driven decision making
Program Principles:
Leverage Investments: Work across silos and sectors to correct market failures due to low premise density
Seek Regional Equity: Emphasize geography that enables network approach; Scale for speed of connecting as many as possible
Favor Future-Proof Networks: Enable innovation and new value from public-private partnerships