Biden-Harris Administration Approves and Recommends for Award Maine's Digital Equity Capacity Grant Application for More Than $5.7 Million
Digital Equity Initiatives
MCA is working to advance digital equity for all: to ensure that all Maine people, especially those that are most impacted by the digital divide, have access to and are able to use, information and communications technologies so they can fully realize all of the civic, economic, health, educational, social and other benefits that they provide.
MCA Contact
Maggie Drummond-Bahl
Sr. Director, Digital Equity & Partnerships
(207) 209-3841
What is MCA doing?
Implementing Maine's first statewide Digital Equity Plan.
Expanding digital equity within healthcare, education, and economic development through the Connectivity Hubs program.
Funding Regional & Wabanaki Broadband Partners to continue to convene digital inclusion partners in every region of the state and support their digital inclusion activities.
Integrating digital inclusion into programs, processes, and organizations that are already reaching Maine people who face the most barriers to connectivity through the Digital Opportunity Networks program.
Investing in digital skills training and device refurbishment with core partners: National Digital Equity Center and Give IT Get IT.
Gathering data and best practices in Affordable Housing connectivity to inform a pilot program and statewide solutions.

Maine leads the nation with the first approved statewide Digital Equity Plan
Faced with the opportunity for unprecedented funding, Maine Connectivity Authority facilitated the integrated development of a Digital Equity and Broadband Action Plan in coordination with stakeholders around the state. The state's first Digital Equity Plan plan outlines the steps the state will take to expand access to high-speed, reliable internet and break down barriers to connections, especially for populations most impacted by the digital divide. Its approval is the first step for Maine to qualify for Digital Equity Act funding, resulting in an estimated allocation between $12 million and $14 million. The allocations and details will be released by NTIA later this spring.
Digital Equity Plan Strategies
The plan includes key strategies to reduce barriers to connectivity for those who are most underserved - including older adults, veterans, low-income families, people living in rural areas, people with disabilities and minority populations. Strategies outlined in the plan include:
Improve access to broadband through grant funding for local and regional infrastructure projects;
Sustain and grow Maine’s investment in digital equity by establishing the Maine Digital Equity Fund, which will raise $15 million in philanthropic support and be matched by additional investment from the federal government.
Increase affordability of internet service, including increasing enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program, and expanding access to free or low-cost connectivity in affordable housing units;
Secure at least 25,000 donated devices for refurbishment from businesses, institutions, and agencies statewide;
Ensure access to affordable devices (desktops, laptops, tablets) and technical support by distributing 50,000 new and refurbished devices to Maine people who need them;
Improve digital skills of Maine people through outreach and training;
Help Maine people stay safe online by providing internet safety training;
Make it easier to access government resources and programs online; and
The Digital Equity Planning Process
Through the planning process, the Maine Connectivity Authority identified several key challenges that need to be addressed to close the digital divide, including a focus on the affordability of service, access to internet-capable devices, digital skills, and online safety training.
To create this plan, MCA and its partners conducted significant outreach and engagement between January and June 2023. Six stakeholder groups comprising 117 individuals, organizations, and agencies contributed to the engagement process. Additionally, three formal tribal consultations were held with the chiefs of the Mi’kmaq Nation, the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Sipayik, and the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Motahkomikuk. The statewide Maine Broadband Survey collected over 3,200 responses online and in hard copy versions and was translated into 12 languages. Thirteen focus groups were facilitated by MCA and hosted by organizations that serve or represent the priority populations. An additional 16 community meetings were held around the state to collect feedback from the general public. Finally, the Maine Digital Equity Task Force, a group representing organizations that serve a broad range of people most impacted by the digital divide, provided guidance to MCA throughout the planning process. We are greatly appreciative of all the insightful comments and helpful feedback that was provided by the people of Maine!
Housing Conditions Survey​
MCA is working closely with Maine Housing and other partners to better understand and address the challenge of fully connecting low income residents within affordable housing units and developments around the state.
During the development of Maine's Broadband Action Plan and Digital Equity Plan in 2023, affordable housing residents cited barriers such as the cost of internet service, lack of digital skills and confidence with technology, concerns about internet safety, and limited access to devices that meet users' needs. To address these needs, MCA developed Strategy 3: Focus on Affordability within our Digital Equity Plan that includes launching an apartment Wi-Fi program to connect residents of affordable housing units across the state and increasing the availability of different technologies to enable more options for consumers. However, MCA does not yet have a comprehensive view of the scale and scope of the problem with connectivity in affordable housing communities. This survey will be used to further explore these issues and help MCA, Maine Housing, and our partners gather more data to inform solutions. All properties for which the survey is completed will be eligible to apply for funding in a pilot program to explore connectivity solutions and approaches.
This survey is now closed. For more information, reach out to Maggie Drummond-Bahl at​
Digital Equity Alliance
MCA's Digital Equity Taskforce included 45 organizations which supported the development of Maine's Digital Equity Plan and guided an equitable planning process engaging with Maine people and communities. In May 2024, the taskforce transitioned to become Maine’s Digital Equity Alliance. The Alliance is a self-led coalition of organizations and community members in Maine that are working collaboratively toward digital equity by sharing resources, advocating for funding, educating stakeholders, and implementing Maine’s Digital Equity Plan. MCA remains a member of the Alliance.

Digital Inclusion Week 2024​
Save the date for Maine’s Digital Inclusion Week, an annual week of awareness, recognition, and celebration of digital equity. The national effort is organized by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) and its 1,400+ affiliates.
Maine will kick off our events with a two-day event hackathon style event focused identifying solutions for protecting older adults from fraud in Maine. The Start Summit event is being led in collaboration with The Roux Institute at Northeastern University, AARP Maine, the University of Maine Center on Aging, and the University of Maine Foster Center on Innovation. Learn more and register here.
Digital Inclusion Week 2023
Last year, MCA highlighted solutions for affordable internet access, appropriate devices, and digital skills programs around the state on social media and through our communications channels. Highlights included partner spotlights, nominated Digital Inclusion Stars, and features on the covered populations as defined by the Digital Equity Act of 2021.

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