Data Collection
As MCA prioritizes funding to maximize impact, we must balance the dynamic tensions of urgency, universality, and equity. A central component of MCA’s strategy for success is utilizing a data-driven decision-making process. MCA is committed to working collaboratively with our internet service providers and community partners to collect information about infrastructure deployment outside the scope of MCA’s programs.
MCA Contact
Brian Allenby
Sr. Director, Program Operations
(207) 200-5824

Broadband Investment Notification & Demonstration (BIND)
BIND is a confidential and voluntary process for internet service providers (ISPs) to share information on planned investments to help inform decision-making for public funding. This is the sole process for communicating information about future build plans to the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA). The process will facilitate confidential conversations between ISPs and MCA to collectively understand where public investment and subsidy can most effectively complement private investment areas across the state.
BIND Process Goals
Maintain a collection process and accurate dataset that will allow MCA to make data-driven decisions about the efficient deployment of limited public funds.
Integrate the information collected with decision-making and prioritization processes and timelines, especially MCA's Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program implementation goals.
Gain a greater understanding of private investment taking place in the state, specifically where ISPs are making the financial case to build.
Process for Submitting Information through BIND
The form below is available to all ISPs providing, or planning to provide through construction activity, retail internet service in Maine. The form is open on a rolling basis, and ISPs can opt to submit data about private investment areas and builds that will take place in the next 12 months, or in a timeframe that will impact a BEAD-related build.
If an application for an MCA program overlaps with any of the previously submitted private investment areas,
MCA will contact the ISPs to confirm the current status of the build and solicit additional information about the exact locations being served, service levels offered, and affordable service plans. This information will be considered during the grant-making process as MCA balances efficient use of funds, time-to-market for new connections, and certainty of service for those who lack connectivity.