MCA's 2024 Annual Impact Report is Here!
MCA is happy to share that our 2024 Annual Impact Report is here. While MCA has many year-end reports that we submit to Federal and State entities (see our Reports page for more), our Annual Impact Report is the culmination of last year's achievements in our own words. Read the 2024 Annual Impact Report.
MCA's Commitment
As Maine’s public agency leading statewide broadband expansion and digital equity, the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) has a commitment to facilitate equitable statewide expansion of reliable internet for all Maine people.
To put it simply: ​everyone in Maine who wants an internet connection will be able to get it by 2024, and our work doesn’t stop there.
​MCA's vision for Maine is one where everybody has the connection, devices, skills and security they need to fully partake in the opportunities of the internet. We invite Maine's internet service providers, contractors, subject matter experts, corporate leaderships, institutions of higher education, and financial institutions to commit to ongoing collaboration and investment. Our reliance on digital infrastructure, services, and skills will only continue to increase.
Progress To Date
MCA has funded broadband connections for over 86,000 homes and businesses in Maine. As of December 2024, everyone in Maine has an option for internet connectivity, or plan in place to be served. Over the next four years, MCA will continue upgrading slow or unreliable connections, help people get the skills to meaningfully use those connections, and invest in infrastructure to meet Maine's future connectivity needs.

With the functional integration of ConnectMaine and MCA in 2021, more than $150 million has been invested into internet connectivity in Maine through State and Federal funds, matched by more than $100 million in private funds.
In 2025, MCA will:
Deploy $272 million in BEAD Program funds to connect the remaining locations in Maine that have less than 100/20 Mbps in internet speeds.
Begin construction on MOOSE Net, a middle-mile, open-access fiber "highway" that will provide an essential backbone network for Maine.​
Ensure that everyone in Maine has the skills, devices, and technical support to meaningfully use the internet through the Digital Opportunity Networks program and educational campaigns.

Click the arrows on either side of the graphic to scroll through MCA's programs and investments since 2021.
Through MCA's various programs and strategies, internet service in improving across the State. Every six months, the Federal Communications Commission updates service availability data from reports directly from internet service providers where construction has been completed, and MCA knows through our own investments that additional improvements are underway.
Beyond the BEAD Program, MCA will continue to focus on improving service for locations with adequate, but not modern internet service.
Service classification based on V1-V5 FCC Broadband Data Collection.
Served (100/100 Mbps)
Underserved (<100/100 Mbps, >100/20Mbps)
Unserved (<100/20 Mbps)
Upcoming Meetings
The Maine Connectivity Authority Board of Directors and committee meetings are open to the public in a virtual format. Meetings serve as an opportunity to learn about MCA's strategy and activities as well as funding and partnership opportunities.
Click here to join upcoming meetings and watch recordings of previous meetings.

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